
This component implements callbacks and methods for managing the page request context. With the request context, you can get the request-specific data anywhere in the code rather than passing it to each function that runs during a request.

Request context

To set a request context value, call the set_context method with the key and a value:

hivepress()->request->set_context( 'custom_key', $value );

Once the context value is set, you can get it anywhere by calling the get_context method:

$value = hivepress()->request->get_context( 'custom_key' );

Use the hivepress/v1/components/request/context hook that filters the request context array if you need to set some context values on every page load. There are also a few pre-defined context values. For example, you can get the current user object this way:

$user = hivepress()->request->get_user();

If the current user is logged in, the User model object is returned. Also, you can get the current page number for paginated queries:

$page = hivepress()->request->get_page_number();

Query variables

To get a HivePress-specific query variable (prefixed with hp_), call the get_param method with the variable name:

$value = hivepress()->request->get_param( 'custom_name' );

You can also call the get_params method to get an array of all the HivePress query variables.

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